Sunday, December 13, 2015

2016 Primary Posters

The size I made these posters is 12" X 18".  I have them printed at SquareOne Printing in Logan, UT. I don't live in Logan, but they ship them to me for a very reasonable price.

If you would like to have them in a different size or in a different language, you can contact me using the contact form on the right side of my blog. 

12X18 PDF


  1. These posters are beautiful! Definitely worth the wait, I love them and can't wait to use them.

  2. Thank you so much for making these and sharing them. You are very talented! I am a primary president and we just love using these each month. Thank you again! Do you know if you will be making the Presidency binder covers like you have in the past? I just love your work.

    1. If you scroll down on my home page, you can see them there :)

  3. You are fantastic! Thanks for all your hard work.

  4. I used your 2015 posters and LOVED them! Thanks so much for doing more for 2016!! They're beautiful and I'm excited to use them.

  5. These are fabulous! I can't wait to use them! I just wish my confounded printer would work! I am so glad I found your blog!
