Tuesday, October 29, 2013

2014 Primary Theme/Scripture Cards

For our Christmas gifts for the kids, I wanted to do something that incorporated next year's theme, so we are giving the kids their own flip book of the monthly theme and scripture. These correspond with my monthly posters.

To make them, you print and cut out the cards. Then after organizing them by month, you punch a hole through all of them, and bind them using something. (We used loose-leaf rings you can find at any office supply store, but you could use ribbon or twine or anything that tickles your fancy.)

We have done this before, and have had parents say that their kids look at them all through sacrament meeting. This way many of the older kids become familiar with the themes even before we introduce them in primary!

Download the monthly theme PDF here,
Download the  "Families Are Forever" cover card PDF  here.
Download 4X6 png here

Download 4X6 jpg here
Download White Background 4X6 jpg here
Download White Background PDF sheet here

Download monthly Theme PDF here
Download "Families are Forever" cover card here
Download 4X6 jpg here

Download monthly Theme PDF here
Download "Families are Forever" cover card here
Download 4X6 jpg here

Download monthly Theme PDF here
Download 4X6 jpg here


  1. Where did you find the monthly scriptures? I don't see them listed anywhere in the outline.

    1. They are right under the theme for each month on the monthly pages where the Sharing time Outlines are.

  2. I ment they aren't on lds.org in the sharing time outline

    1. I found them on the Sharing Time Outline that the Presidencies receive. Here's an example of what I mean (I've posted a picture of where it is on the outline). Hope this helps!


  3. Did you print these as 8x10's? The files I am seeing have lines through them, even the pictures. Maybe I didn't download it correctly? This is a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I checked my files and there aren't any lines through them. Maybe download them again? If that doesn't work, I can send you the files directly.

    2. The PDF files have lines, but the PNG and JPG files do not.

  4. I wonder if these could be converted so that each card could be printed as a 4x6 photo for either group or personal use? If you could direct me on how to do so, that would be fabulous. If you are able to do it and offer another link for them, that would be even better. :)

    1. I have posted a 4X6 download link with the other download links :)

  5. These are beautiful and such a help to the Primary children. I'm grateful for your abilities--what I would have come up with would not have looked so nice.

  6. Our Primary Presidency love these! However, our Primary is large and it would cost $200 for us to print these for each child. Did you print these yourself or order them? Is there a way we could use blue card stock to print these out on ourselves so we don't use so much ink? THANKS!!!

    1. I was wondering the same thing. I love this idea but we have 83 kids.

    2. I'm not sure printing them on blue cardstock would work because of the pictures, but If you need me to alter the originals in some way to make it easier for you to print them, I can probably do that!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What type of paper did you use to print your cards?

    1. I like to do them on photo paper because it makes them glossy, but cardstock would probably work if you don't mind the matte finish.

  8. I would like to print these through either Walmart photo or Shutterfly but the files are png. Do you have them in jpeg

    1. Sorry, I thought I had posted that link correctly! It is there now, so you can download them.

  9. I love these but need to convert them into French... do you have an editable version??

    1. I have a special program that I edit them, then convert them to jpg, so I'm not sure it would work to give that to you. However, if you would like to send me the translations, I would be happy to put them on the cards.

    2. Thank you so much!! Sorry it has taken me so long to translate these. Here are the French Translations. The Date is at the top, then the Theme and the scripture is under the theme. Please let me know if there is anything you don't understand...

      Yearly Theme Cover Card and Scripture

      La famille est éternelle

      « Il ramènera le cœur des pères à leurs enfants, et le cœur des enfants à leurs pères » ( Malachie 4:6)


      Notre Père céleste a préparé un moyen pour que je retourne en sa présence

      « Car Dieu a tant aimé le monde qu’il a donné son Fils unique, afin que quiconque croit en lui ne périsse point, mais qu’il ait la vie éternelle » (Jean 3:16)


      Notre Père céleste a un plan pour ses enfants

      « Oh ! comme il est grand, le plan de notre Dieu ! » (2 Néphi 9:13)


      Jésus-Christ est notre Sauveur

      « Nous avons vu et nous attestons que le Père a envoyé le Fils comme Sauveur du monde » (1 Jean 4:14)


      La famille est essentielle au plan de Dieu

      « Le mariage de l’homme et de la femme est ordonné de Dieu... La famille est essentielle au plan du Créateur pour la destinée éternelle de ses enfants » (« La famille : Déclaration au monde »)


      Les familles sont bénies lorsqu’elles suivent le prophète

      « [Souvenez-vous] des choses annoncées d’avance par les saints prophètes » (2 Pierre 3:2)


      Les ordonnances de la prêtrise et l’œuvre du temple sont des bienfaits pour ma famille

      « Tout ce que vous lierez sur la terre sera lié dans le ciel » (Matthieu 18:18)


      Nous devenons membres de l’Église par le baptême et la confirmation

      « Si un homme ne naît d’eau et d’Esprit, il ne peut entrer dans le royaume de Dieu » (Jean 3:5)


      La participation à des activités saines fortifiera ma famille

      « La réussite... familiale repose, dès le départ et constamment, sur la foi, la prière, le repentir, le pardon, le respect, l’amour, la compassion, le travail et les divertissements sains » (« La famille : Déclaration au monde »


      Le respect de l’Évangile apporte des bénédictions à ma famille

      « Nous croyons que nous devons être honnêtes, fidèles, chastes, bienveillants et vertueux, et que nous devons faire du bien à tous les hommes ; en fait, nous pouvons dire que nous suivons l’exhortation de Paul : nous croyons tout, nous espérons tout, nous avons supporté beaucoup et nous espérons êtres capables de supporter tout. Nous recherchons tout ce qui est vertueux ou aimable, tout ce qui mérite l’approbation ou est digne de louange » (treizième article de foi)


      La déclaration au monde sur la famille vient de Dieu pour aider ma famille

      « Je vous ai dit ces choses, afin que ma joie soit en vous, et que votre joie soit parfaite. » (Jean 15:11)


      L’application des enseignements de Jésus-Christ me fortifie et fortifie ma famille

      « On a le plus de chance d’atteindre le bonheur en famille lorsque celle-ci est fondée sur les enseignements du Seigneur Jésus-Christ » (« La famille : Déclaration au monde »)


      Nous nous souvenons de notre Sauveur,
      Jésus-Christ, et nous l’adorons

      « Jésus lui dit : Je suis le chemin, la vérité, et la vie. Nul ne vient au Père que par moi » (Jean 14:6)

    3. Thanks for doing all that work! What format would you like these in? (an 8.5X11 sheet of 4 or single 4X6 jpg cards)

    4. I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much for doing this for me!! Our kids have never gotten anything like this before and are going to be so happy!! I really appreciate the time and effort you put in for a complete stranger! Thank you...

  10. These are beautiful. I love your work! Do you have an idea of the cost on these to print them on photo paper as you have displayed?

    1. I don't know about if you print them yourself, but when I printed mine at Staples, they were about 30 cents a page (making them $1.00 per set) They may be different where you live, depending on color copy prices.

  11. We LOVE your cards & were wanting to print them, but for cost purposes we need to print them in black & white. Is there a way to make the background white? Thanks a ton!!!

    1. I have uploaded a copy with the background in white and the text in black. I hope that works :)

    2. Amber you are amazing!!! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful talent with us & making our job in the primary a little easier. THANK YOU!!!

  12. Amber - these cards are amazing! Is there anyway I could move the months around so that I could print front and back i.e. January one side and then February on the back? I'm planning on printing them off on card stock. Thanks you!

    1. I'm not sure exactly how to do that, but I would be happy to give you the original jpg files for you to organize them how you would like. I can email them to you if you would like :)

  13. Wow Amber that would be fantastic! meadfamilyis@msn.com Thank you so much!!! Merry Christmas!

  14. Amber!! I loved them! Would you mind making them in Portuguese too? I could give you the words. Hugs from Brazil. dani-bv@hotmail.com

    1. I sure can. Now that they have the outline translated, I will use the words from the Portuguese outline. I'll have them done in a couple of days :)

  15. Would you be willing to make these in Spanish also? I would really appreciate it!!

  16. "Thank you from Brazil"

  17. Thank you so much from Brazil. It was a great and useful idea!

  18. Amber,

    What a way to let your light so shine! Thank you for sharing your time and talent with me! I love these. Thank you so much.

  19. I want to thank you for sharing... and a big thanks from the stake of paris-sud (france)...

  20. These are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing!

  21. These are amazing! Thank you so much! We are going to use the English for the whole Primary and I will give my own kids the Spanish version too. They are BEAUTIFUL!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I guess it would have helped to leave my email address, huh? Sorry! It is owens.hutton.family@gmail.com

  23. I can't download the link could you send it directly?

    chickensbunnieshomeschool at gmail dot com

    1. I couldn't get your email to work, but you should be able to download from the links now

  24. I can't download from the links. I would appreciate both the black and white background files in English. Thanks cookieljj@hotmail.com

  25. I am getting an error code each time I try to download the links. It says: Error (509)
    This account's public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!

    Any idea on what this is and when I'll be able to try again?

  26. If you're willing to email these to me, I am also having trouble with your links. But I am in love with them!! twinlinebackers at gmail dot com

  27. I was able to print these, they are so great. Can't wait to share them with our primary children. Thank you for your creativity and kindness to share.

  28. The Spanis poster for January is downloading weird just that month. Thanks for sharing your talents. I luv the posters & binders covers. Gracias mil!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. This is great! thanks for sharing.

  31. I love these and want to make them for my own children so that they can memorize the monthly theme scripture each month. I downloaded the 4x6 cards and want to print them at Office Max. Each card is in a different file, but it sounds like you were able to print 4 per page if you just paid $1 per set. I know it is probably a silly question, but how do you do that? Do I just send all the files to Office Max and they put them on one page? My email is mackrory@gmail.com. Thank you for sharing your talents!
